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INS d'Auro is promoting GEP's program which fosters the use of languages to learn and learn to use languages.
Content Language and Integrated Learning (CLIL) involves learning subjects such as History, Maths and Technology through an additional language (English). CLIL offers opportunities to allow students to use another language naturally, in such a way that they soon forget about the language and only focus on the learning topic. It can be very successful in improving the learning of languages and other subjects, and developing a positive students' attitude towards themselves as language learners.
What CLIL can offer to our students of any age is a natural situation for language development which is built on other forms of learning. This natural use of language can help their motivations for learning English.
It is the naturalness which appears to be one of the major platforms for CLIL's importance and success in relation to both language and our subjects learnings.
"The future doesn't just happen, it is shaped and modelled by our actions." Using languages to learn and learning to use languages. David Marsh
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